Care and Specific treatment KEVIN BACON'S - HOOF SOLUTION KEVIN BACON'S HOOF_SOLUTION €18.75 Tax incl Kevin Bacon’s Hoof Solution is a natural salve recommended for treating infections of the sole and frog of the horse’s foot. Add to basket
Care and Specific treatment KEVIN BACON'S - ACTIVE SOAP KEVIN BACON'S ACTIVESOAP €17.50 Tax incl Kevin Bacon’s Active Soap combats all the problems of itching caused by culicoides (biting midges or ‘no-see-ums’), horseflies, houseflies, mange (microscopic mites), tinea or ringworm’ infections (very contagious fungi), strongyles (larvae that infest the intestines), and cattle grubs (larvae from the large flies known as warble, heel, or gad flies).... Add to basket
Shampoo and Soap KEVIN BACON'S - SHAMPOO LUCY DIAMOND KEVIN BACON'S LUCYDIAMONDS €19.58 Tax incl Shampoo especially designed for sensitive skin and frequent washing. It has protective qualities and is soothing to the skin. Unique formula reduces bad odours caused by micro-organisms. Perfect for use on horses with insect bites, to sooth and get rid of the 'itch'. Add to basket
Manicouagan Sea Clay CLAY OF MANICOUAGAN KEVIN BACON'S CLAY €26.67 Tax incl Manicouagan clay is a natural healthcare product containing medicinal ingredients, with a therapeutic effect on members, joints, tendons, skin, muscles and blood circulation.Studies of this outstanding natural product have been conducted at the faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Montreal.The quality of each lot of products is controlled before they... Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Care and Specific treatment saHoMa - Nébulisateur pour chevaux KEVIN BACON'S KB_SAHOMA €900.00 Tax incl View